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New Bookkeeping Skills for a New Yoga Business Owner

Question:I am a yoga instructor with 15-years’ experience. I recently decided to go out on my own. I have been told that I should get a bookkeeper. I am in the beginning stage of my business with very few students. Do you think it is too soon to incur such an expense?Response:

Congratulations on your decision to become an entrepreneur.

In the beginning stage of any business, it is wise to stay as lean as possible. With so little activity, it would be best to learn how to become your own bookkeeper.

1) Invest in a bookkeeping software that you enjoy using

2) Educate yourself on both the basic of accounting and bookkeeping concepts and your bookkeeping software.

As your revenue increases, you will be able to determine if you can afford monthly bookkeeping services.

This article is designed to provide information only and should not be considered legal or tax advice. Because of the complexity of the law and the variables in your own personal tax and accounting situation, you can’t rely on our advice specifically related to your unique circumstances. In order to get the best tax savings and legal advice available to you, you should consult with your own accountant, attorney or advisor regarding your particular facts and circumstances. Healthy Bodies of Finance is an accounting firm that specializes in working with health and wellness providers. We provide monthly accounting & bookkeeping services and financial education. For more information on our specialized services for health and wellness providers please contact us at [email protected]